Wednesday, March 17, 2010

March 17


After three straight days of the pilgrim uniform we were finally able to dress ourselves in clean clothes and fresh kicks. A delicious breakfast of homemade \pan brioche and gargantuan strawberries was followed by a lively tour of the old kitchen featuring hooks in the ceiling for hanging meat (or misbehaving pilgrims as Alchermes wanted us to believe). We then gathered our things and headed out for another day in Bagnone. After crossing the Ponte Vecchio yet again, we were reunited with our faithful mascot, Pippo! Rumor has it that he takes the bus into Villlafranca on his own and knows what time to go back to the stop to catch it back up the mountain!


We headed to the Museo Archivio della Memoria where Monica (aka Marian the Librarian) gave us a zesty tour of the archives while attempting to see through the dusty air, breathe the moldly stench, and dodge the falling ceiling tiles. Will found a new lady love in the statue of the Virgin Mary...

...and Amy discovered a different sort of archive.

After parcouring all over the piazza outside, Natalie attempted to break Max’s legs with her beloved third leg of faith (aka walking stick) and it broke. Tragic.

We strolled through Bagnone visiting the Cast Museum and checked out the Teatro. We swung by the local alimentari and fruttivendolo to purchase our first picnic. Hiking up the pilgrim path for the last time, we chose the Piazza della Chiesa for our feast of clementine, arance rosse, salame, pecorino, bresaola and pane. We were finally able to make good use of our blue cutting board, Opinel knives, and K-Mart pilgrim cups.

Hopes for the future: Gelato! Healed blisters AND love under the Tuscan sun.

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